2015 party

2015 party

Saturday, January 12, 2013

My little Reindeer

Here is a picture of Cole and Maya in the same outfit at almost the exact same age!!

Christmas 2012

Christmas was busy as ever, but really was a fun year!!  Cole was at a really fun age and it was Maya's 1st Christmas and she was into it more then I thought she would be!

Christmas for us starts on December 23rd with Christmas at our house with the four of us.

Cole  LOVED his soccer goal and wind up train and Maya seemed to like her little ball pit turtle

On December 24th we head to Neetie and Paw Paws. We spend ALL day and night there having a blast.  We eat wings for lunch, open gifts then head to Church.

 First Christmas as a family of 4. I LOVE this picture minus Cole making a weird face, but that is our silly boy :)

Christmas Morning we wake up and open Santa gifts then head to Zanesville for more Santa gifts and the Baughman Christmas. 

 Cole LOVED his Hot Wheels wall track almost as much as Nate did!

Aunt Kristen made this dress by hand for Maya!  It was SOOOO gorgeous and Maya looked wonderful in it on Christmas night at Great Jean's

On December 26th there was A BIG snowstorm. We had a lot of fun pulling Cole in the sled, building a snowman and having a snowball fight.  This is the first snow for Maya and really the first snow that Cole will remember. 

The kiddos had a blast just hanging out and eating at the kitchen table the entire trip.  This is one of my favorite pictures of them :)

Cole and Maya sure were spoiled as you can see from the pictures below!  


Cole's Christmas Concert

On December 21st Cole had his Christmas Concert at school.  He did AWESOME!!!  They had 11 songs or poems to do and he did them all.  I was so proud of him and it was a really fun morning watching him.

Kiddos all ready for the concert!

Love my little ones!!!

Maya's 6 month pictures

Below are Maya's 6 month pictures! They turned out GREAT and I am having a hard time deciding what to order!