2015 party

2015 party

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Potty Training!!

We have basically potty trained Cole and it is AWESOME!!!!  The first 2 days were rough, but we are much better now.  He has had no pee accidents in 9 days and has had 2 pooping accidents, but has also gone #2 on the potty as well.  I am so excited to only have one child in diapers.  He wears a pull up and nap time, but it is dry almost always!  He has also woke up over 5 mornings with a dry nighttime diaper.  I am glad it was easier than I thought!!

Cole's 3rd Birthday Party

We had Cole;s Birthday Party at Neetie and Paw Paw's on July 14th!!  It was crazy, but what do you expect with 7 kids under 5 :)

Cole got a Buzz Lightyear costume from Neetie and Paw Paw and he LOVED IT!!  He stills wears it very often now. 

Maya is 1 month old

Maya turned one month old on July 11th and I cant believe how fast it is going.  She is such a sweetie.  

She still is very calm and relaxed and sleeps a lot during the day which is helpful to get things done.  She is doing well at night as well.  She is sleeping from about 10-3:30am, then back to sleep till 6:30 or 7. Not bad for a newborn.  Nate is so helpful with night time feedings as well, so we are staying away from total exhaustion. 

We had her 1 month dr appointment the same day as Cole's 3 year appointment.  We have two TOTALLY different kiddos.  Below are some pictures from the dr office.

Cole was LOVING the gown.  He is still a BIG BOY!!  He is 40.6 pounds and 39 and 1/2 inches. He is 80th percentile in height and 95th percentile in weight! 

Maya is now 8 pounds even and 20 and 1/2 inches. She is the 30th percentile in both height and weight!!'

I am so glad we have two healthy kiddos and the appointment went so well.  

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Cole!!

on July 9, 2012 Cole turned 3.  I cant believe he is 3 years old.  We spent the day as a family and had a GREAT day.  Nate and I had decorated the house after he went to bed, so he woke up to a decorate house and his presents.  He opened all his gifts and played with most of them within the first hour of being awake.  Neetie came out to the house and we went to an Indoor playground place to play all morning.  After playing Cole picked McDonald's for lunch then we had yummy cookie cake at home.  

Neetie left and we attempted a nap, but it did not happen, so we just watched Cars 2 (which he just got as a gift), then we played outside and went swimming in his little pool.  After dinner or LaRoas's pizza we finished the night with sparklers on the back deck.  I think he had a BLAST!!  

Below are pictures from the day!!

again as I did last year, I just re read the blog from the day Cole was born... WOW, what a scary day and weeks ahead.  I am so happy he is such a strong boy and is a happy, funny, loving little man now :)


Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July

The 4th of July is a REALLY big holiday for my (Megan's) family.  We all gather together at Wooded Glen Retreat and Conference Center in Henryville Indiana for a day of fun, food and fireworks.  This year we were unable to do the large fireworks due to a burn ban in Indiana, but the day was still AWESOME!!  It was full of food, fishing, games, a proposal by my cousin Evan, meeting new babies, homemade ice cream and little kids fireworks.  

Below are a bunch of pictures from the day!!

We had two new additions at the 4th today!  Maya (who is 23 days old here) and my cousin Rachel's baby Samuel (who is 5 days here).  We are so excited to see these two grow up together!

We also got a VERY special picture.  We got a picture of 4 Generations of Fisher girls.  This is my mom, Neetie, Nana Fisher, Maya and Me!  Such a special picture and I am sooo glad I have it.