2015 party

2015 party

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cole is 6 months old....

WOW!! I can not believe it has been 6 months since my little man was born. Time has flown and he has grown. He is now 20 pounds (90%) and 30 inches long (which is OFF THE CHART by a mile). Guess he got his height from Uncle Neal, cousin Frank and cousin Evan.

He had a great appointment. The Dr said everything is looking great and he is ahead of schedule on some things. He has really grown up this past month. He is pulling up on things and getting on all fours sometimes. He is now a compete sitter on his own. It is so cute to see him grow.

We started Solids and he has had Squash so far. We will be giving him a different food every three days. More to come on that.
Below are his 6 month pictures!!!

Christmas and First Snow

Cole's first Christmas was AWESOME!! We all had so much fun!! We did Christmas with Nate, Cole and I on December 23rd and he even opened presents on his own. He was really starting to sit up and enjoy being a "big boy". On December 24th we headed to Neetie and Paw Paws. We spent the day there and had Christmas with Neetie, Paw Paw, Chad, Amy, Logan and Avery. The kids had so much fun. Cant wait to see the fun they have next year. Avery LOVED her dress up from us and Cole was a great baby the whole time. At 6pm we went to Church then home to relax. Santa came to Neetie and Paw Paws then we headed to Zanesville for Christmas with the Baughman's. We opened gifts with Reid, Linda, Sarah and Kristen then had Christmas Lunch. The night ended at Grandma's with more food and the gift exchange. The 26th was the leftover party then it was back to Cincy.

We had a big snowfall on January 7th. We had about 5 inches. Cole was a bit unsure of the snow and could not move in his monkey suit.

Below are pictures from the Snow and Christmas 2009.