2015 party

2015 party

Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Cole

Obviously I have missed a lot of things going on in our life, but tonight I went back through and read all of the blogs from when Cole was born!!  WOW, what a MIRACLE!!!!  I love my crazy 4 year old more than anything in this world.  He is a challenge at times, but I would not change anything at all. Thank you for being my son Cole!  I love you!!!

HAPPY 4th Birthday!!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Cole's Soft Palet Surgery

On February 15th Cole had his Soft Palet surgery!  It went pretty well and we were home with in 37 hours on the surgery, which was great!  He was a bit cranky and whinny for about a week, but nothing too terrible.  He got several visitors while he was recovering.  Neetie, Paw Paw, Gran, Grandpa, Kate, Nick, Emily and Keaton as well as some SURPRISES from his Teacher and THE BEARCAT!!!!

Cole and the Bearcat had a BLAST!! Below are some pictures from his visit.

Here are some other pictures from the week!  

Cole with Cars before heading back into Surgery
Cole and Daddy playing in the Playroom at the Hospital. This room was a LIFE SAVER!!!  

Cole coloring in his book from "Aunt" Kate!  He LOVES her.
Cole with his Get Well Car and gift from his teacher Mrs. Fatute and his class

Cole with his gifts from Mommy's co-workers :)

7 and 8 month pictures

I cant believe Maya is 8 months old :)  She is getting so big and is getting into EVERYTHING!!!  She is crawling everywhere and can get from sitting to crawling and back and the blink of an eye.  She still just army crawls, but man she is fast!!

She sure is getting hard to catch in a picture!  She is a moving machine.Just this week she has started to say her first real word.  It is "Da-Da". She calls everything "Da-Da", not just Nate, but it is still super cute.  I also think she has decided to name Clover "Gah". She looks for her and always says it when she find her.  She sure does LOVE clover!!

Nate's Birthday

Cole was REALLY into Nate's Birthday this year.  When I picked him up from school we had to go buy him balloons then decorate the house and hide to yell "Surprise" when Daddy got home.  It was so cute to see him so excited about it.  He even ate cake too :)

Happy Birthday Nate (DADDY)!!!!

Cole's 1st Trip to Disney

Back in January we took a trip to Disney for Cheerleading Nationals.  It was Cole's 1st trip to Disney and he had a BLAST!!!  He LOVED the tea cups, the Dumbo ride, Big Thunder Mountain and playing at the hotel with the "big boys"or "best friends" as he calls the UC Cheerleaders.  

Cant wait to make another trip, he was so good and and such a great time, that it was really enjoyable and fun to do a trip just the three of us. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

My little Reindeer

Here is a picture of Cole and Maya in the same outfit at almost the exact same age!!