2015 party

2015 party

Friday, October 15, 2010

Cole at 15 months

Cole is just so grown up now. He is really a lot of fun!! He is starting to talk more, still not many words, but we get versions of the following... Ma Ma, Clover, Uh-oh, Thank you, all done, all gone, hello, and milk. He is a BIG boy. Cole is 29.7 pounds (95 %) and 34 1/2 inches (110%). He must have gotten his height from Uncle Neal, and Cousin Vince, Frank and Evan. Hey has 11 teeth with two currently coming in. The ones coming in are his 1 year molars. He has two of them and the last two are on the way!!!

This fall has been really busy with Football and Cole does GREAT! We have not had to leave a game early yet. He has been to 4 Glen Este Varsity Games, 3 Glen Este JV game, 2 UC games and 1 Mount st. Joe game. He loves to walk around and listen to the Band and Cheerleaders.

He has also been very good at playing by himself during the day while I work from home. He loves to stack things and line up his cars. His newest love is puzzles. He tries to do some that are too big for him, but he is actually starting to get some of those pieces in too. he sure can make a mess. We say "Hurricane Cole has came thru" after he gets everything out. The house looks rough at night after he goes to bed.

I really like the Independence of the stage we are at, so I hope it only gets better. We are truly blessed and love every minute of being parents to Cole Beaners :)

Pictures from 1 year to 15 months....