2015 party

2015 party

Monday, April 12, 2010

March Madness

So, going to NCAA games is a Stojakovich Family tradition and Cole's has already begun his tradition. He went to the Play In Game in Dayton Ohio with Daddy, Mommy and Paw Paw, then two weeks later went to the Sweet Sixteen Game in St. Louis with Mommy, Daddy, Paw Paw and Neetie. He was such a good boy! He loved dancing during the Timeouts and sat very well during the game. Glad he could be apart of this HUGE tradition already.

Cole is 9 month's old!!!!

Today was Cole's 9 month appointment. He is now 22 pounds, 15 ounces (90%) and 31 and 1/4 inches tall (OFF THE CHARTS). She said he is ahead of his age on his motor skills. Cruising down furniture, standing and sitting, picking up small items (like cheerios), etc. She said by 12 months she would like him to be able to say "Mama" and "Dada" to us, not just randomly like he says "mama" now.

He is now permitted to eat basically anything we eat except Watermelon, Peanut Butter, Honey and Fish. It could be fun days coming up with him trying new foods. We need to start cutting down his bottles, so he is ready for only 16-20 oz by 1 year. He is at 30 right now!!! I think with adding food we will be able to do this.

Next appointment will be after his 1st b-day unless he is sick. He did have Red in both ears and a little puss in the left one, so he is on medicine for ear infections again. 3 more infections in the next 6 months or so and he will get tubes in his ears to drain everything. She also is going to have me start him on Claritin syrup to see if his congestion is allergies. His chest and back sounded fine, she said it is all in his sinus area. It was a great visit minus the ear infections and she is very happy with where he is in his development!!

We have had a BUSY three months.

St. Patty's Day!!

Cole Spent St. Patty's day at Lunch with Mommy, Amy and Braden, then had dinner with Mommy and Daddy outside

Red's Opening Day!!!!

Cole had a GREAT first Easter!!

Below are Cole's 9 month pictures!!!!