2015 party

2015 party

Friday, August 21, 2009

A week in pictures

We had a BUSY week with Amy, Logan and Avery in town. Below are pictures from the week:
Logan meeting Cole for the first Time!

Trip to the Zoo!!

Fisher Family Get Together:

Cole and Natalie are 2 weeks apart. Natalie (7 wks),Cole (5 wks)

Monday, August 10, 2009

1 month

It is hard to believe, but Cole is now 1 month old. We went to the doctor today and everything is looking great. He is a BIG boy! He weighs 10 pounds, 7 ounces which is in the 75th percentile and he is 23 and a half inches, which is off the chart- 95th percentile. We are not sure where the height came from, but he may pass mommy and daddy at the age of 3. We were also told he has great head control and can raise his head to a 90 degree angle when on his belly, which is normally not happening till 4 months. Cole even rolled over from his stomach to his back for the first time yesterday and again today.

The doctor did say he wants to watch his pallet in his mouth over the next few months. They believe it could be split in two which would affect his speech later on in life. Nothing to really worry about, just something they will keep in eye one.

We have a busy week coming up. Amy, Logan and Avery are in town to play with Cole and then the Fisher clan is coming up Saturday. More updates and pictures from this week to come.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Picc Line

As most of you may or may not know, Cole's Picc line is out. The Children's Home Care nurse came and took the Picc Line out at 1pm on Saturday August 1st. It was GREAT! We are so excited that Cole now has no wires, cords, tubes, etc. It was an exciting day and we had reason to celebrate. We decided right then to drive to Zanesville to meet the Baughman clan. Nate's cousin was having a summer party so we surprised the family and showed up. It was great to see everyone and we were excited for Cole to meet his family. Cole did great on the trip there. He slept the whole car ride. He did not sleep so great that night at the party or at Grandma and Grandpa's house, but we were still glad we made the trip. Cole also got to meet the Butlers, Sowards and Vousdens.

We also had a big day yesterday, Cole's cord fell off and he can now have a real bath. I will report on that after it happens. He also is now balding like his daddy and it makes me laugh every time I see it. Cole also made his first trip to Mount St. Joe with mommy yesterday. I had a meeting about the Alumni Board and Cole came along for the ride.

We have a busy week coming up, so I will try to update the blog as soon as I can. We are having lunch with Jess, one of Cole's Special Care Nursery nurses on Friday, Glean Este Football scrimmage on Saturday, Grandma and Grandpa Baughman are coming down on Sunday, then Amy, Logan and Avery will be here all next week and the calendar is already full. Cole will also get to meet some of the Fisher/Stojakovich clan, including his 2nd cousin Natalie, who is 2 weeks older than him.