2015 party

2015 party

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy 18 months Cole

Cant beleive my Cole Beaners is a year and a half old!! We went to the Doctor today and his new measurments are:
31.2 pounds (98 percentile), 34 3/4 inches long (102 percentile), and head is 19 3/4 inches (97 percentile)
The Doctor said he has meet and passed all 18 month milestones like, stacking objects, using a spoon or fork, climbing steps when holding hands, pointing at things he wants, throwing fits when told "no", follows simple commands, and knows 2 or more body parts. She is NOT concerned at all about his speech. She said an average 18 month old has 6 words. He has that and more. We do have to go back for another hearing test and it will be on February 4th. His next well appoinment is 2 years. He got no shots today and will only get 1 at 2 years unless we are there for a sick visit, then he will get his Hep A booster then. Today was two weeks to early for it, so we have to wait.
We got some great 18 month pictures:


2nd Annual Kiddos Pictures

This year we had our 2nd Annual MSJ College girlfirend's Kiddos Pictures. We plan on doing this every year, with additions as they arrive :)
These were the best shots we got this year. They are too cute.

Cole (18 months), Leah (10 months), Madelyn (9 months) Braden (23 months) and
Ava (14 months)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas 2010

We had a WONDERFUL Christmas. We started the holidays at home on December 23rd with a great dinner and gifts with just me, Nate and Cole.

Cole really enjoyed opening gifts and helping Clover. His favorate gift from us was his Seek and Say and Books.
We then headed to Neetie and Paw Paws on Christmas Eve Morning. We were there all day and spent the night for Santa to arrive on Christmas Morning!!
Cole loved his Weebles Treehouse from Neetie and Paw Paw as well as his Train from Chad, Amy, Logan and Avery.
Our Family picture turnded out pretty great this year!!
Christmas Morning we headed to Zanesville. Cole LOVED feeding the Baby Chicks. He was a little scared about the large chicken's, but had fun in the Chicken Palace. Cole also really liked his activity table, har from Sarah and Monkey in a box from Kristen.

We all had a WONDERFUL holiday season. We are so blessed and Cole sure is spoiled :)