2015 party

2015 party

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cole singing the ABC's

Cole is getting so BIG!!  Here he is singing the ABC's  He can even recognize all 26 letters and he can count to 29.

C-Section Date is Set!!!!

So Baby Girl Baughman will be here on June 21st at the latest!  The C-section date is set and we are Ready!!!
Here Cole and Daddy are helping my cankles!  They are sweet boys!

Here is a picture of me at 35 weeks and 2 days!  Getting big for sure. 

Cole is really getting excited about his baby sister and has been helping get everything ready.  When we talk about things like his B-day party, summer activities, etc, he always ask "and my baby sister will be there"?  It is fun to finally be able to say, "yes, she will" :)
I have let Cole pick out a few things for her and he he is posing with a toy for her car seat.