2015 party

2015 party

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Our new pet!!

We have a new pet here at the Baughman's home. It is Nemo the Turtle!!! Cole named him of course :)

He is TINY! This is Nemo next to a Quarter to show how small he is.

Nate found it while mowing the grass on Sunday and Monday it was still in the grass so we made it a house out of Cole's old plastic pool and put it on the back deck.

Cole helped find rocks, grass and sticks to make it like a home. Today at school Cole invited everyone over to our house to see his turtle. Since that s not possible, I decided to take pictures of Nemo for him to take to school tomorrow. When I went outside to do that Nemo was taking a nice swim in the water part of the house.

Baby Girl's Nursery!

This past weekend Cole headed to Zanesville so Nate and I could work on the Nursery!! We got SOOO much done! Our goal was to get things painted and get the room cleaned out, but we ended up completing the entire thing. I LOVE IT!!!

we also, painted the living room and rearranged the furniture. It is like a new place! It has so much space which will come in handy with two kiddos :)

NCAA Tournament 2012

This year we went to Nashville for the NCAA Tournament Games! We even lucked out and UC was there :) On Friday afternoon it was Me, Nate, Cole, Neetie and Paw Paw!!

Cole was GREAT!!! He watched most of the UC game then colored, ate snacks, and played with a car for the rest of the time. He sat in his seat like a big boy and did not complain once. This was his 5th and 6th Tournament game.

He was OBSESSED with the Bearcat! All he wanted to do was wave to him and say Hello. the Bearcat took a great picture with him below.
Friday night it was Nate, Paw Paw, Chad and Amy! They had a good time as well. Neetie and I had a nice evening with Logan, Avery and Cole.

Saturday was full of fun with all three kiddos. They sure love each other. We played at the park and outside alot.

On Sunday it was me, Chad, Nate, Paw Paw and Logan's turn to go to the game. Logan was SOOOOO excited! It was his first NCAA Tournament game. He was so full of questions and it was a BLAST to see him so excited and into the game. The games were late but Logan did WONDERFUL!!!! I think Paw Paw was just as excited to be sharing this moment with Logan.

Logan also wanted his picture with the Bearcat!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Cole's 1st Circus Trip!!

Cole, Nate, Amy, Braden, Abby, Ava and Steph went to the Circus together this weekend and it was a BLAST!! We started the night by having dinner at I-hop, then it was off to the big event!! The kids (and adults) had a BLAST!!! Below are some pictures from before the circus!

Even Baby Abby LOVED the circus!! She stayed awake for most of it.
Cole keeps talking about Baby Abby falling asleep during the circus! Too cute

Cole was SOOO into the circus. You could not make him look away the first 45 minutes.
I think we will be back next year :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

ITS A ............GIRL

Baby Baughman number 2 is a GIRL!!! I cant believe it! I was certain we were having another boy, but we were greatly surprised to learn that a Baby Girl will be joining us in June. I cantbelieve in a little over 3 months that we will be family of FOUR :)

Below are some of the Ultrasound pictures from 20 weeks. They could not get really good ones due to the baby moving so much! She was EVERYWHERE!!

We did learn that my placenta is very low and it is something that will have to be checked again at 32 weeks and monitored closely. We hope at 32 weeks it has moved and nothing has to be done about it.