2015 party

2015 party

Friday, March 5, 2010

On The Move!!!

Well, life as we knew it is now over...Cole is officially moving all over the place and climbing on everything in site! His personality seems to develop more and more each day and he is responding to his name when it is said. He has shown more progress in the last 3-5 weeks than we have seen since he arrived. Baby gates have been installed, cabinets have been fortified, and the coffee table has been removed and been replaced by a soft ottoman. He has also had his fair share of illnesses. He has already had two ear infections, an upper-respiratory infection, and he has just recovered from a bout with pink eye. To top it off he has added two more teeth (the total is now four), with the two newest being in front and on the top. Through all of this he has continued to be a pretty good boy. He will fuss and whine here and there, but he is definitely a happy and jolly baby a majority of the time.

Cole has started to get out and about and be social. He made a weekend trip to Ft. Wayne in early Janurary to see the Matt, Mariah, Grant, and Harris. He and Grant even had matching pajamas, which was a complete coincidence. He has made two trips to Zanesville, both in February for birthdays and in lots of snow. He has been to the library for story time, he went to his first music class (although it wasn't great, Megan said the lady in charge reminded her of Ms. Lippy from Billy Madison), and he is making a third trip to the zoo on Saturday, 3/6! Since we are headed to the beach for Megan's family vacation in June, we are going to introduce him to the water as soon as possible.

Cole continues to sleep through the night, so mom and dad are doing pretty well in that department. He has been eating fruits and vegetables for over two months now as Megan is making all of his food with her wonderful christmas present from Gran & Grandad. Besides his rice cereal and formula, he is eating bananas, squash, carrots (his favorites), pears, mangos, peaches, sweet potatoes, apples (he did NOT like), green beans, peas, papaya, and more. A majority of these great foods have been provided by Aunt Kristen from her wonderful farm-fresh gardens.

Clover is still doing very well with Cole, although she is unsure of why this thing continues to grow and move all over the place. What's most amazing is that despite all the toys and gadgets that are scattered across our living room, Cole's two favorite items to play with are Megan's netbook and the tv remote (in that order). Before you know it he will be walking, so stay tuned for that and many other new things that will come our way!