2015 party

2015 party

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy 4th Anniversary

On February 17, 2011 Nate and I celebrated our 4th Wedding Anniversary!!! We had a lot planned. On the actual day we went to the park after work and school then had a GREAT dinner here. Friday we went to the Aquarium (see next post), Dewey's for lunch then the Glen Este Basketball Game. Saturday we had a nice quiet dinner out, just the two of us. Then we headed to one of our favorite hangouts, Champions! We love it there. We watched the UC game and hung out with great friends. Sunday and Monday we mostly just hung out at home. It was a great Anniversary weekend.

1st Trip to the Newport Aquarium

We went to the Aquarium on Nate's day off of school and had a blast. Cole LOVED all of the fish and water animals. We even got a membership for the next year so there will many more trips. Cole's favorite part was petting the sharks. Below are pictures from our day. We ended the trip with lunch at Dewey's and Cole was EXCELLENT!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011


We had a great Valentines Day. The day started with Heart shaped Waffles for Cole.

Cole then had a Valentine's date with Ava (and Steph too). We attempted another picture of the two of them on the Red Chair. We have one of them when Cole was 5 months and 9 months. It was really hard to get them to sit still this time.

When Nate got home, look got to see their small gifts then we had a great dinner at home. I even made small heart cakes for each of them.

Cole even got a cute card from Neetie and Paw Paw.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Super Bowl- Green Bay style!!

So this year the Super Bowl was a BIG DEAL at the Baughman House. Nate has been a HUGE Packers fan since Junior High, so this was so exciting for him Nate decorated the house and we have Packers everything (plates, forks, napkins, balloons, cake, etc.)

Here is a picture of Cole and I ready for kick off. We had all f Nate's friends over (18 adults and 6 kids). It was a packed house, but we sure had fun and GO PACK GO!!!!

Nate's 33rd Birthday!

February 5th was Nate's Birthday! We celebrated at home on February 3rd because we were heading to Zanesville. Nate and I ate Steaks and Baked Potatoes, then we had Yummy Cheesecake for dessert. Cole loved helping with the candles and opening the presents.

Zanesville was a blast as always. We went to dinner of Friday night for Grandpa Baughman and Nate's B-day then we hung out at the house. As you can see from the picture below, Saturday Cole and Grandpa rode brooms around the house .

Cole thought it was too fun! He was looking for Gran to join in too, but she was fixing monkey. Duncan, the Baughman dog ate monkey's face, so monkey had to have surgery. Monkey no longer has eyes, but is still as lovable.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hearing Test

Today we had Cole's 3rd hearing test. he has had to get tested every 6 months of his life to make sure the medicine he was on when he was born is not causing hearing loss. We do not notice him having any trouble hearing, but he has to pass the test on all levels before we can stop coming.

Cole did WONDERFUL! He even got a high five from the doctor! It was new one, but she was very familiar with his chart and past test history. He even kept the ear plus in for about 5 minutes, which is 4.5 minutes longer than last time. He heard at the highest level for him by far. He heard at 6,000 (whatever the measurment is). She would like him to hear at the 8,000 level, but couldnt get that test accuratly because he kept moving and was done by the time they got to that level. She said she has NO concerns at all, but would like to see him in 6-12 months to see if she can get him to hear the 8,000 level. She said that if he has hearing loss, it is the higher sounds that it would happen too. She said where he is now is normal for his age.

I also had 2 people tell me how well behaved his was in the waiting room. That was nice to hear as we were there with NO nap today!!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Scarlet Fever

on Saturday January 29th Nate and I noticed a small rash on Cole's face. Sunday morning the rash was mush less, but as the morning went on it got worse and worse. I called the doctor and set an appointment for Monday morning. We gave Cole a bath and I washed everything in his bed, clothes, etc. thinking it may be an allergic reaction to something on his clothes, blakets, etc. Sunday the rash was gone most of the day until that evening when he came back and really red. He didnt sleep great Sunday night, so we headed to the doctor Monday morning.

Monday morning came and it looked bad, we headed to the doctor and the verdict was Scarlet Fever.... I didn't even realize people still go that, I thought it was something only on the Oregon Trail. It is basically Strep with a rash. He has been on antibiotics since yesterday morning and no rash at all today! I hope we are in the home stretch. Bad news is that Nate also has Strep. I am trying to stay healthy, so wish me luck.