2015 party

2015 party

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sneak Peak

Here is a Sneak Peak of Maya's newborn and Cole's 3 year pictures.  We went to a GREAT lady, Jackie Baughman (no relation to us) with Blowing Dandelions Photography. I cant wait to see them all in a few weeks :)

Big Brother

Cole is really starting to be a GREAT Big Brother.  He helps get her diapers, throw her diapers away and his new favorite thing to help with is to put her paci back in her mouth when she cries.  It is sooo cute.  He also takes several trips over to the swing and bassinet to "check" on her while she is sleeping.  He has even held her a few times.  The below are some pictures of him holding her while watching a movie.

He also has started asking for her to come to his room for the bedtime story and he holds her as Nate and I read to them. (i have not been able to get a picture yet, but I will.) I really am liking that part of the day with all of us in Cole's bed!  Cant wait for more special moments like that to start happening.

Cole's Glasses

Well.... in the middle of bringing home Maya and getting used to life with her we learned that Cole is near sighted and needs glasses.  This was not the outcome I wanted from his doctor appointment, but I know we will be able to get through this.  I am sure my emotions are all out of whack from having a baby, so that did not help.  Cole seems to like his glasses and understands that they help him see.  He keeps them on 90% of the time.

I think he looks like Ray, the little kid from "Jerry Maguire".  Cole is on the left and Ray is on the right :)

Cole got to ride the bus toy at the store after we got them adjusted.  He was excited for sure!!

We have continued to have LOTS of visitors and people bringing us dinner of the last 2 weeks. It is sooo awesome to see all the love we have from Friends and Family. Below are some pictures of the visitors we have had!!

Great Grandma Jean

Aunt Martha


Lyndsee Ballinger and Peanut (we now know as Kynslee- born 6-25-12)

Greyson practicing his Big Brother skills

Aunt Kristen

Ava, she was such a good little mommy!

We even had a great weekend visit from Chad, Amy and the kiddos.  They came out here on Friday, then we went to Neetie's on Saturday and Monday.  It was great to see them and for Maya to meet them all.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

1st Bath and 1 week old!!

Maya's cord fell off at 1 week old on 6-18-12, so her 1 week present was a REAL bath.  She did not enjoy it at first, but calmed down quickly and seemed ok with it. 

I CAN NOT believe that Maya is already 1 week old and has already been home for 4 days.  With Cole, he was STILL not even home yet.  It is just crazy to think how different these two births were.  I am so thankful this one was MUCH smoother than with Cole.  It is nice to not have all the medications and Picc line work we had to do with Cole.  Both kids are so special to me already.  Before you have your second you are just not sure how you will be able to love them the same as the first, but your heart grows and you love them just the same.  I am so happy to have to happy kiddos and cant wait for our life to come :)


We celebrated Father's Day with Cole on Saturday since he was heading to Zanesville.  Nate got a UC Golf Umbrella and LOVED it.  

First picture of Daddy with his two kiddos :)

On Sunday, Actual Father's Day, Nate, Maya and I went to lunch at Flip Daddy's.
We got some cute pictures before we left!

Last day in the hospital and coming home!

On June 14th we spent the morning getting things ready to head home and visiting with Nikki.  We were soooo excited that Nikki was about to visit. She lives in Houston and just happened to be in town when Maya was born.  We had a nice visit and she held Maya as we went through all the discharge items.

Maya had gained some with before we left and she was up to 5lbs, 10.7 ounces (she had got down to 5lbs, 9.4 ounces the night before).  They were not concerned and said we could still go home even with that weight loss.

Paw Paw ended up bringing Cole up to the hospital and he rode home with us.  The trip home was uneventful, which is what we wanted.  Maya is SOOO LITTLE in her car seat that we need to get some additional support for her, but she will be good to go once we get that.  Cole was VERY excited to be home, but VERY VERY tired from 4 days with Neetie and Paw Paw.  I can not thank them enough for taking him while we were in the hospital.  When we got home he was ready to hold Maya and talk to her about the house and Clover.  It was tooo cute.  Our first night home ended with Nick and Emily bringing us KFC for dinner that night and AND huge batch of Taco Casserole for another day :)

Enjoy the pictures below:
Nikki and Maya
Daddy and Maya ready to head home!

First Car ride of 4 :)

BIG fan of the swing

Cole was excited to hold her, but also unsure on what to do...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Maya Rose: Day 3

Day 3 was pretty uneventful, which is good when you are in the hospital and you have a newborn! Neetie and Cole came to visit for a few hours and so did Aunt Kate. We felt Cole needed some time with us, so we  sent Maya to the nursery and we all went to lunch in the cafeteria here at Good Sam. 

After lunch, Cole helped bring Maya back to our room from the nursery and he wanted to "pretend sleep." This is a new game he started last week. We realized this was the opportunity to try and get him close to Maya since he still did not want to hold her. This was a pretty big success as you can see from the pics below! Also, Cole is the master of the elevators here at the hospital. He ALWAYS has to push the buttons, both to call the elevator and once we are inside the elevator. He announces everything he is doing to anyone who will listen and the elevators are always full, so there is usually someone who engages Cole and lets him push buttons for them as well. He loves this!! 

Neetie, Cole, and Kate left after a while and the three of us were by ourselves until Emily Taylor visited us. We roped her into picking up dinner for us (Dewey's pizza, YUM!!) and she was thrilled to meet Maya and hold  her for a while. 

Maya was a little more alert on this day and we were able to get a few pics with her eyes open. We also received flowers from Megan's "family" at TGG and we also received flowers from Gran, Grandpa, Aunt Sarah, and Aunt Kristen!! The room smells WONDERFUL and not so much like a medicine cabinet! Cole also brought his sister some balloons and he was very proud of himself. Overall, it was a pretty quiet and uneventful day!! Stay tuned for more updates!